Thursday, October 31, 2019

Team Building 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Team Building 3 - Essay Example The team decides amongst themselves the role of each such that biased relationships are not formed with members within the organisation (Cook Mangla and Ummer, 2009). There are set guidelines that need to be followed and the evaluation team decide whether the rules have been adhered to. Post evaluation the team reports back to the funding body with critical insights into the process, activities and outcomes. Thus an external and unbiased reflection helps the company build the team more effectively and focus on the gaps so as to eliminate them in the future (W. Dyer, W. Dyer, Jr. & J. Dyer , 2007). Evaluations are thus a mix of an objective and passive task and it is necessary for the evaluator to be neutral and offer space for divergent opinions, discussions and debates. 2. The four stages of team building are forming, storming, norming and performing. When a team is initially formed there is a cordial atmosphere on the surface; however in most cases the older team members would be cautious and check whether their positions are threatened by the new entrants. The newcomers are also excited as well as tensed; hence it is necessary to understand team building so as to maintain the balance between the old and the new employees. Since there is mix of various cultures and mentalities, soon there will be competitions between the team members. Hence as a leader, one should be able to channel the inevitable conflicts into effective development of the team and the individuals working therein (Fisher, 2000; West, 2012). The third stage entails the settling down of the team and start conforming to the set of rules and regulations of the companies. The settling down happens as now the team knows what to expect from the other members. Therefore as a good leader and guide one should be able to establish rules that the team needs to adhere

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Natural Gas Essay Example for Free

Natural Gas Essay Qatar is known to have the third largest reserve in the world for natural gas. It is a colorless, shapeless, odorless gas in its natural form. Main property of this gas that made it so prized is its combustibility. When burned, natural gas emits a great deal of energy (NaturalGas. org, 2004). But not like fossil fuels, natural gas is a clean burning gas with lower level of potentially harmful byproducts is emitted into the air as resultant to the combustion process. Natural gas is usually composed of a mixture of combustible hydrocarbon gases. While natural gas is formed primarily of methane, it can also include ethane, propane, butane and pentane. The composition of natural gas can vary widely but in its purest form it is mainly composed of methane. Usually found under the earth, this gas is usually associated with oil deposits. Natural gas is another form of fossil fuel, like coal and oil, and is essentially the remains of plants and animals. Use of natural gas as an energy source comprises 24% of the total energy consumption in the US for the year 2000. Natural gas, with its varied usage and has many different applications for industrial, commercial and residential sectors, is vital component of the nations energy supply. PHOTOVOLTAICS Photovoltaic literally means light electricity, which was derived from the Greek words photo and volt. Photovoltaic materials and devices basically generate electricity by converting light or solar energy into electricity that can be utilized by devices requiring electrical power. It was discovered by a French physicist Edmond Becquerel on1839 while conducting an experiment involving electrolytic cell connected by two metals as electrodes. Since then harnessing of solar electricity has been developed and used (Solar_Energy_and_Technology_Program, 2005). Since the discovery of photoconductivity, solar energy has been harnessed to generate electricity. On 1873, Wilby Smith identified Selenium to demonstrate photoconductivity. Photovoltaic property was also observed Adams and Day to be exhibited by Selenium while in its solid form. The first solar cell was created by Charles Fritts on 1883, which was made from Selenium wafers (Corrosion_Doctors, 2007). PV was originally developed to provide power to devices on places that would require a renewable source of energy like in outer space. With the development of PV devices or solar devices, PV cells have been used in providing power to spacecrafts and devices. The first reported usage of PV cells was during 1959 for the Vanguard 1 satellite using silicon wafers in the solar device. This satellite lasted for 8 years in operation (Corrosion_Doctors, 2007). Since Vanguard 1 other spacecrafts and satellite were reported to utilize also PV technology in providing power to manned and unmanned crafts and satellites. PV generation is gaining increased importance as renewable source due to its advantages like absence of fuel cost, no noise or wear due to absence of moving parts and little maintenance. The world market for photovoltaic exceeded 200 MW in 1999 could rise to 650 MW in 2005 and 1800 MW in 2010 – provided that installed costs for grid-connected PV drop to less than US $4/ Wp in 2005 and $3 in 2010. The world grid-connected market grew to 110 MW in 2000, 400 MW in 2005 and will grow to 700 MW in 2010 provided the installed costs will decrease to $3/W by 2010. The following tables and graphs show a general idea of how the PV world market is growing and how the prices of PV modules/Wp is dropping since the year 1990 up until now and in the upcoming future. PV Cells PV cells or solar cells, composed of semiconductors that are made from crystalline solids, which permits electrical conduction when connected to two metals, are devices that converts solar or radiant energy into electrical energy. This thin wafer of semiconductor is chemically treated to produce negative charge on one side and positive charge on the other side. A p-n junction separates and connects the two oppositely charged sides. The process of converting sunlight into electricity is explained in three processes 1. Sunlight is absorbed by the thin semiconductor wafer. 2. Positive and negative charges are generated and are separated in the different parts of the cell. The movement of these particles generates voltage within the cell. 3. And, the electrical current generated by the separation of the charges is transferred to the intended device via the electrical terminals connected to the cell. When sunlight is absorbed by the solar cell, electron hole pairs are generated, and if their recombination is prevented they can reach the junction where they are separated. The electrons are moved into the front side or negative side of the cell. Commercial solar cells usually designate the negative side in the front part. The back or other side of the cells is designated as the positive side. When these two are connected electrical current flows between through wires connected to the electrical device. The current that flows is usually proportional on the intensity of the sunlight that the solar cell captures (Elwell Komp, 2007). The back contact or positive side is usually made of continuous layer of metal but the front contact, on the other hand is usually made into thin fingers. The front contacts are evenly spaced to allow the as much sunlight to reach the positive side of the cell. The cell is covered with an anti reflection coating to maximize the absorption of sunlight. A thin protective coating covers the cell to allow cleaning and maintenance (Elwell Komp, 2007). An example of a single solar cell structure is shown in figure 1. PV cells are manufactured in many shapes and sizes. Some are even smaller than a postage stamp. While there are individual cells that are many inches across. Interconnected PV cells form a PV module. Modules are interconnected to form a PV array. The module is designed to contain a number of Silicon cells interconnected as a series of thin layers. This is purposely intended to protect the solar cells from the ambient and as well as generate a higher voltage compared to a single cell, which delivers less than 1 volt. Arrays varies in the size that is needed dependent upon the amount of sunlight that the location is receiving and the needed power generated by the array depending the intended usage. The array is not just composed of the PV modules, which comprises the majority of the PV system, it also includes the electrical connection, mounting hardware, power-conditioning equipment and batteries that store the generated electricity intended for use during the times when the sun is not available or shining (Solar_Energy_and_Technology_Program, 2005). Crystalline silicon solar cells are used in more than half of all solar electric devices. Like most semiconductor devices, they include a positive layer (on the bottom) and a negative layer (on the top) that create an electrical field inside the cell. When a photon of light strikes a semiconductor, it releases electrons (see animation). The free electrons flow through the solar cells bottom layer to a connecting wire as direct current (DC) electricity. Some solar cells are made from polycrystalline silicon, which consists of several small silicon crystals. Polycrystalline silicon solar cells are cheaper to produce but somewhat less efficient than single-crystal silicon (Solar Electricity, 2004). A simple silicon solar cell can power a watch or calculator. However, it produces only a tiny amount of electricity. Connected together, solar cells form modules that can generate substantial amounts of power. Modules are the building blocks of solar electric systems, which can produce enough power for a house, a rural medical clinic, or an entire village. Large arrays of solar electric modules can power satellites or provide electricity for utilities. Solar Electric System Components (Solar Electricity, 2004). PV cells can be made from different semiconductor materials but the most commonly used in manufacturing is crystalline silicon. Crystalline silicon has gained popularity since it was the first material used in the earliest successful PV devices. Silicon has 14 electrons and its orbital arrangements allows up to four electrons to be given, shared or accepted. These outermost electrons, known as valence electron, play a vital part in photoelectric effect of solar cells. Solar cell technology benefited greatly from the high standard of silicon technology developed originally for transistors and later for integrated circuits. This applied also to the quality and availability of single crystal silicon of high perfection. In the first years, only Czochralski (Cz) grown single crystals were used for solar cells. This material still plays an important role. As the cost of silicon is a significant proportion of the cost of a solar cell, great efforts have been made to reduce these costs. One technology, which dates back to the 1970s, is block casting which avoids the costly puling process. Silicon is melted and poured into a square SiO/SiN coated graphite crucible. Controlled cooling produces a polycrystalline silicon block with a large crystal grain structure.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Clinical Computer Standards of Student Restorative Clinic

Clinical Computer Standards of Student Restorative Clinic Audit to assess the clinical computer standards of the student restorative clinic in the University of Manchester dental hospital Introduction: The use of computers in clinics is a useful tool for clinicians, however it can create challenges for their users with regards to cross infection control and patient data protection. The GDC (General Dental Council) and CMFT (Central Manchester Foundation Trust) have set standards for cross infection control and handling patient data. These standards were used to assess the clinical computer use on the ground floor restorative clinic in the University of Manchester dental hospital. Method: Clinical computers were assessed and data collected over the period of two weeks on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The computers were assessed using a data collection sheet. Results were compiled and analysed. Results: 89% of computers met the standards for data protection, 57% of the computers met the standards for cross infection control. Conclusion: The results show that standards for cross infection control for the computers on the clinic were particularly poor. They also showed that standards for data protection are not being met by some users of computers in the clinic. Action plan: Students and staff on the student restorative clinic should be made aware of results and recommendations should be implemented. A repeat audit should be undertaken in 12 months to monitor any improvement. Background The use of clinical computers in the dental hospital has a significant role in patient care. With the introduction of software to handle patient notes being introduced in September 2014 this is even more relevant than ever before. Now that students use the computers to record all their clinical notes, there is a larger amount of patient data being stored on them and the computers are being used much more frequently. Whilst the use of computers for clinical purposes can be a useful tool for clinicians, it also poses new challenges to those using them. Personal information of patients should be protected at all times and this means storing records securely where they will not be seen by other patients, unauthorised healthcare staff or members of the public (GDC, 2005) . Appropriate cross infection control should also be maintained when using computers on clinic. Cross infection control precautions are necessary to ensure the safety of patients and healthcare personnel (NHS, 2010). Therefore staff and students need to be aware of the proper procedures to follow when using the computers as part of their clinical practices. The clinical computers on the ground floor restorative clinics are situated within the clinical bays and are accessible to students and staff during and after treatment. Access to these computers is restricted through a password log-in providing they have been logged out of. Many of these computers have patient data freely accessible once the computers have been logged into. Currently there is no specific instruction to students to log out of the machines after use. The computers on the clinic use a conventional keyboard and mouse to operate. This creates a potential problem for cross infection as the computers are often used during treatment of patients. Aims and objectives The aim of this audit is to ensure that CMFT and GDC standards for cross infection control and patient confidentiality are adhered to in the dental hospital ground floor clinic with respect to clinical computer use. The objective of this audit is to assess the quality of cross infection control procedures and patient confidentiality with regards to clinical computer use and to devise implementations which can be made to improve practices and meet the standards set. Standards In order to assess the use of the clinical computers within the restorative clinic I have used policies and standards set by the CMFT and GDC Nationally. The CMFT have policies on cross infection and patient data protection available here: The policy document ‘Records Management: NHS Code of Practice’ outlines that equipment used to store records should provide storage that is safe and secure from unauthorised access and which meets health and safety regulations. The NHS policy document ‘standard infection control precautions’ provides guidance for the proper cross infection control procedures for care equipment available: The General dental council also has set standards for all dental professionals to follow and has a document available which outlines the need for patient confidentiality and the responsibility of dental professionals to maintain it.[1].pdf All students and staff using clinical computers should meet these standards. Method The audit was carried out retrospectively. A total of 45 Computers on the ground floor restorative clinic were assessed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon for 2 weeks. Computers were assessed using a data collection sheet (appendix 1). Data from the collection sheet was compiled and analysed. The data collection sheet gathered information for the following categories: Cross infection control Computer hardware which must be touched for use i.e. Keyboards and mice were checked for appropriate barrier guard protection and cross infection control procedures. Computer keyboards must have barrier protection as appropriate cross infection control cannot be achieved by wiping with disinfectant due to the structure of the keyboards being used. The mice which are used can be wiped and so students were asked if they had wiped the mouse after use. Students were also asked if they had wiped the plastic cover of the keyboards. Keyboards which did not have barrier protection and those which did and were not wiped were deemed to not meet the standards of the CMFT. Mice which were not wiped with disinfectant were also deemed to not meet the standards of the CMFT. Data protection Computers were assessed to see if the users had logged off after use. Computers were also assessed to see if there was personally identifiable patient data accessible without restriction. Any computers with unrestricted patient data were deemed to not meet the standards set by the GDC and CMFT. Results The results from the collection sheet from all 6 days were compiled to give an average over the two weeks which were converted into percentages represented in the graphs below. Cross Infection Control This graph shows the percentage of the computers which had a plastic barrier guard protection over the keyboard at the end of the sessions. From the data collected an average of 24% of computers in the ground floor restorative clinic had no barrier protection during the clinical sessions. Of the computers which had barrier protection I asked the students from these bays if they had wiped the plastic barrier guard with disinfectant, the results are shown below. The graph shows that on average over the two weeks 18% of the keyboards with barrier protection were not wiped with disinfectant at the end of the clinical session. All of the mice for the clinical computers in ground floor restorative have no barrier protection and so students were asked if they had wiped the mice at the end of the session, the results of which are shown below. The data collected showed that on average over the two weeks 21% of students had not wiped down the mice with disinfectant after using them. Computers which did not have barrier protection for the keyboard and those which did but were not wiped as well as those with mice that weren’t wiped were considered to have inappropriate cross infection control. The total results represented as a percentage in the chart below. The data collected showed that in total 43% of computers being used in the ground floor restorative clinic were not meeting CMFT standards for cross infection control. Data Protection This graph shows the percentage of computers which were logged out of at the end of the clinical sessions over the two weeks. The data collected shows that 52% of computers on ground floor restorative were not logged out of at the end of the session creating a potential data protection issue. Computers were also assessed to see if any personally identifiable patient data was freely accessible without restriction, results shown as a percentage in the graph below. The data collected showed that 11% of the computers on ground floor restorative clinic had personally identifiable patient data freely accessible without restriction and thus these computers were deemed to be unsecure in terms of patient data protection. Therefore these computers do not meet the standards set by the CMFT and GDC for patient confidentiality. Conclusion Using the guidelines set by the CMFT and GDC I have assessed the clinical computer standards of the ground floor restorative clinic with regards to cross infection control and data protection of patients. The results show that only 57% of computers in the ground floor restorative clinic meet the standards of cross infection control. This was mostly due to barrier guards on keyboards not being used but it was also the case that students were not using disinfectant wipes on both the keyboards and mice. 89% of the computers meet the standards for data protection. The remaining 11% was a result of patient data being accessible directly from logged in machines thus the information was not secured. The results show that there is significant improvement to be made in the practices of staff and students using the computers on clinic to better protect patient confidentiality and wellbeing. Therefore action should be taken and recommendations implemented to improve the clinical computer standa rds of the clinic. Recommendations and action plan The results of this audit should be discussed with students who use the ground floor restorative clinic. It would also be useful to discuss the results with clinical tutors and other healthcare staff on clinic who oversee work done by students and who also sometimes use the computers. The clinical induction period for students at the start of the year would be an appropriate time to give specific instruction to students regarding clinical computer use. The instruction should highlight the correct cross infection control procedures for the computers including mandatory use of a barrier guard for keyboards and use of disinfectant wiped for both the keyboard barrier and mice. This could be included with other cross infection control inductions such as hand washing and usage of the clinical units. Instruction should also be given to students to log out of machines after use. If 100% of student implement this recommendation then data protection issues regarding the clinical computers would be largely resolved. The audit should be repeated in 12 months’ time to investigate any if any improvements have been made following implementation of recommendations. This allows time for the yearly clinical induction for students to have taken place. References GDC 2005. General Dental Council. Standards Guidance. Principals of patient confidentiality. Available:[1].pdf NHS 2010. NHS Professionals. Standard infection control precautions. Available: Appendix 1 1

Friday, October 25, 2019

Criticism of Bryants To a Waterfowl :: Poems of Bryant

The poems of Bryant may be classed, with regard to their subjects:--those expressing a universal interest, relative to the great conditions of humanity, types of nature symbolical of these, as the Winds; poems of a national and patriotic sentiment, or expressive of the heroic in character, as the Song of Marion's Men. Of these, probably the most enduring will be those which draw their vitality more immediately from the American soil. In these there is a purity of nature, and a certain rustic grace, which speak at once the nature of the poet and his subject. Symbolic images of nature abound in his verses. Here I ¡Ã‚ ¯d like to share some of my observation of some of the poem  ¡Ã‚ °to a waterfowl ¡Ã‚ ±. Whither, 'midst falling dew, While glow the heavens with the last steps of day, Far, through their rosy depths, dost thou pursue Thy solitary way? Whither ¡Ã‚ ªto what place. We have to read the whole stanza to complete the question. The author delays the meaning so long by putting in the description of time and place to create a feeling of distance to the destination. And "thee, thou, thy"--these are all poetic ways of saying "you" in the singular form. In a sense, focusing on a single distinctive "you" with no possibility of it being the plural "you." So, maybe it is more than just poetic diction, but the emphasis of solitude. Seek'st thou the plashy brink Of weedy lake, or marge of river wide, Or where the rocking billows rise and sink On the chafed ocean side? Rubbed away by friction, constant irritation. Here are three different possible destinations for the waterfowl. they have something in common. There is a Power whose care Teaches thy way along that pathless coast,-- The desert and illimitable air,-- Lone wandering, but not lost If he is speaking of God (what kind of god?), why does he call him a Power? Birds migrate because of natural instincts--what is the connection to a Power here? He might imply that Nature and God are identified Again, notice the emphasis on Lone. In the fifth stanza, cold thin atmosphere, stoop, weary," and "welcome land" contrast sharply. which adds to the picture of the bird both concretely and symbolically. this bird's flight is beginning to represent the lonely and lifelong struggle of the writer himself in hope of finding his welcome land . Thou'rt gone, the abyss of heaven Hath swallowed up thy form; yet, on my heart

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Social psychologist Amy Cuddy talked about

As physical delivery she is perfect. Her appearance is good. Her dress is not too much fancy. This is good thing because if it was fancy it distracts easily people attention. Even it is hard to check from camera, her eye- contact seems good. Seems like, she watch every part of the hall. As seen she is moving a little bit to maintain attention. Since we are talking about a person who is talking about body language, there is no need to talk about her gestures and posture. As expected, she shows that listen to me I know what I am talking about.Her vocal livery is good. Even if she is not singer her volume is good and she is controlling her volume perfectly. Also, her speech Is fluency even if there are some tongue slips such as when she is saying beautiful at the start. In general, her speech delivery Is perfect. Let's move on to the audio-visual aids. At her speech she Is showing one video, lot of photos and some graphics. As known visual aids Increase the audience's understanding. Vid eo, photos and graphics which are used In speech are relevant to topic and also her sign posts are good.Sometimes she Is showing Just a sentence. In order word, she Is emphasizing the Important points. In addition, between two slides projector Is using as a helper. What I mean Is that while she Is not using the projector, her camera Image Is shown so people who are sit behind can see her easily. This Is very good strategy. Generally, her audio-visual aids are good. Finally, let's move on her attention-getting techniques. As seen at start, she Is activating the audience's Imagination. Therefore, she starts her speech with good attention.There Is one point that I am not sure about It. At close of the end, when she Is giving an example one of her students she Is getting emotional and spread this emotion to the people. Actually It Is a very good attention technique. I am not sure It was prepared or Just occurred because we are talking about a person who Is Glenn a message â€Å"fake It TTL become It†. Even If It was prepared It Is very good tactic. Too sum up, she Is know what talk about. Her delivery, visual-aids and attention- getting technique Is very good.If you curious about body language I suggest this beech. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy talked about By carmaker her volume perfectly. Also, her speech is fluency even if there are some tongue slips such as when she is saying beautiful at the start. In general, her speech delivery is Let's move on to the audio-visual aids. At her speech she is showing one video, lot of photos and some graphics. As known visual aids increase the audience's understanding. Video, photos and graphics which are used in speech are relevant to topic and also her sign posts are good.Sometimes she is showing Just a sentence. In order word, she is emphasizing the important points. In addition, between two slides projector is using as a helper. What I mean is that while she is not using the projector, her camera image is shown so people who are sit behind can see her easily. This is very good strategy. Generally, her audio-visual aids are good. Finally, let's move on her attention-getting techniques. As seen at start, she is activating the audience's imagination. Therefore, she starts her speech with good attention.There is one point that I am not sure about it. At close of the end, when she is giving an example one of her students she is getting emotional and spread this emotion to the people. Actually it is a very good attention technique. I am not sure it was prepared or Just occurred because we are talking about a person who is giving a message â€Å"fake it till become it†. Even if it was prepared it is very good tactic. Too sum up, she is know what talk about. Her delivery, visual-aids and attention- getting technique is very good. If you curious about body language I suggest this

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Classical imagery and structure Essay Example

Classical imagery and structure Essay Example Classical imagery and structure Paper Classical imagery and structure Paper The seasons each poet has chosen to set their poem in are different. Wordsworth has opted for Spring, identifying the Cuckoo as darling of the Spring! Spring represents the fresh and unspoilt nature. It represents blossoming and warming. Keats sets his poem in Summer, the height of the year. Keats summer is somewhat stale and uncomfortable, as if it is dying into Autumn. This is reflected in the mood of Keats poem. Romantic poetry generally attempted to break away from the mould of neo-Classicism, that is to not try to recreate Classical imagery and structure. Wordsworth obeys this theorem perfectly, with not one Classical reference. Keats however frequently makes references to Classical and Biblical mythology. Lethe, the river of forgetfulness, Hippocrene, the fountain at which Muses were born, Bacchus, God of Wine and Ruth, a biblical character, are all used by Keats. Structurally, the two poems are also comparable. Both poets use iambic pentameter, which does not make any allusions in itself. However, Keats deviates from a rigid metre and in the eighth line of each stanza uses trimeter. Wordsworth uses more modern four-line stanzas and Keats uses longer, more explicit ten-line stanzas. Wordsworths rhyme scheme is the simple ABAB in each stanza. The effect of this is to give an echo of the Cu-Ckoo sound the bird makes. The monotonous and rigid structure of the poem adds to this. Keats uses ABABCDECDE, which may reflects the more varied melodious song of the Nightingale. Another interesting aspect to analyse when comparing two poems such as these is quality of poetry. Although we can compare style and theme, the quality must always be considered as it adds to or detracts from any motif in poetry. In the case of these two poems, I feel that Ode to a Nightingale is a poem of superior quality to To the Cuckoo. Keatss poem is better in many ways. Wordsworths content is overstated. He uses the same motifs and imagery throughout this poem and many of his others, for example Tintern Abbey. What he says is obvious and straightforward; there is no use of equivocation and little hidden meaning. Keats is more realistic and more relevant. He discusses issues instead of wandering aimlessly. He has much more direction and development than Wordsworth. In such a short and simple poem, Wordsworth needed to be as deep-meaning as possible and explore his subject matter as much as he could. Keats structure too is far more impressive than Wordsworths. Wordsworth is too simple in his language, structure and rhyme. His poem is neither fired up nor passionate. His poem comes across as vague and verbose, using tawdry expressions and clichi s such as Still longd for, never seen! He does not display his intellect and the result is he does not write to his capacity. Keats carries on for eighty lines in comparison to Wordsworths thirty-two, but not once does he lose his drive or allow a lapse in quality. He exhibits his ability to rhyme and narrate. He displays contextual knowledge of Europe and Classical mythology and uses it effectively to create imagery and effect. As I feel that one poem is better than the other, this contributes to any comparison, and makes direct comparison more difficult if the poems are on different levels. In a better poem, the meaning and desired effect is received effortlessly by the reader and the reader is much more appreciative of the authors style and themes.